Students commencing their research into Justinian’s law may find useful the following links to online resources:
- Lassard and Koptev’s The Roman Law Library
- The Corpus Iuris Civilis at The Latin Library
- Rosenbaum and Riedlberger’s Amanuensis, a database of Roman law sources (in Latin)
- Metzger’s corrections to the 1985 and 1998 editions of the University of Pennsylvania translation of the Digest at Iuscivile.com
- Annotated Justinian Code, F H Blume (T Kearley ed), second edn
- Justinian’s Novels, F H Blume (T Kearley ed)
- Latin dictionary tool at the Perseus Digital Library
- A Berger, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law (American Philosophical Society 1968)