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International Roman Law Moot

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The Mooting Coordinator, Dr Benjamin Spagnolo, would be happy to answer enquiries about the International Roman Law Moot.

The Mooting Coordinator would be particularly pleased to hear from any of the more than 300 IRLM alumni who are interested in maintaining contact with the contest and perhaps in attending alumni events at future Moots.

Students at participating universities who are interested in taking part at future Moots should, in the first instance, visit the relevant institution web page or contact the relevant professor:

University of Oxford

Professor Wolfgang Ernst

University of Cambridge

Dr Joe Sampson

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Professor Carla Masi Doria; Professor Cosimo Cascione

Universität Wien

Professor Dr Richard Gamauf

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Professor Dr Thomas Finkenauer

Université de Liège

Professor Jean-François Gerkens

Universität Trier

Professor Dr Thomas Rüfner (advertisement video here)

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

A/Professor Athina Dimopoulou